"Ever since I was little,
I always wanted to work in
a setting where I can be
creative. It is so rewarding!" Natalia Gorski Interior Designer

Q & A with Natalia Gorski

What’s the most inspiring (or best) part of your job?
Bringing creative visions to life and being able to experience them in person.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Graduating as a first generation college student and American!
Who is someone you admire, and why?
My mom, she is my #1 supporter and my backbone through everything.
Name 3 words that describe you.
Creative, Detail-Oriented, Spontaneous
What’s your favorite music genre?
EDM, rock, country (I love it all!)
Cats or dogs?
Where is your favorite place to travel?
Anywhere by the beach!
What is your go to work snack?
Popcorn and cold brew